Ohrid Association “Tsar Boris III” submits a name change request


The association based in Ohridcalled “Tsar Boris III” has submitted a request to the Central Registry for a name change in accordance with the amendments to the Law on Associations and Foundations. The Cultural Center “Ivan Mihailov” based in Bitola, on the other hand, the day before the deadline, has not yet submitted a request for any changes.

The CR confirmed that on February 10, a letter was submitted with a request to align the work of the Association for the Affirmation of the Cultural Values ​​of the Macedonian Bulgarians “Tsar Boris III” Ohrid and that the procedure is ongoing.

According to the legislation, if the two clubs do not change their name, a government commission should meet and adopt a position, which should then be submitted to the Ministry of Justice and the minister should make a decision. If it is negative, the association should be deleted from the Central Register.

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