Interior Minister Spasovski: Pendikov is talking nonsense


The Macedonian Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski called the statements made by Hristijan Pendikov “pure nonsense”. Pendikov, who is the secretary of the Ohrid-based association “Tsar Boris III”, in an interview with BTV claims that Bulgarians are afraid that they may be shot in Macedonia and no one would protect them.
“You can’t live in a country for 30 years and have no one insult you in any way, and now suddenly say that the country doesn’t respect your rights. It is not real, it is not a fact. However, I am sending a message that there must be no violence under any circumstances for any reason,” said Spasovski during his visit to the “Gjorche Petrov” police center on Thursday.
The Ohrid native claimed that it was common to curse, beat and shoot people in Macedonia, and accused the police of not taking measures

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