Bozhinovski: The trampling of the national dignity by Bulgaria will continue with this government in power


The problem is in the government, as long as this government is in power, Bulgarian behavior will continue as it has been until now, trampling on every human, national and every other dignity on their part, and silence on our part, because literally everyone can do what they want and declares what he wants for Macedonia, and the government will just remain silent,” said analyst Vladimir Bozhinovski in an interview with Alfa TV.
“No one is against opening any club, but for you to open a club with the name of the biggest criminals against Macedonia and the Macedonians in World War II, it shows that the goal is not cultural cooperation or work, but exclusively political provocation,” said Bozhinovski.
“What can be expected from a government that is barely holding up and does not have enough MPs to ensure a quorum to hold Parliament sessions and for 2 and a half years the government deals with itself and literally nothing else, and in the meantime catastrophes happen,” Bozhinovski said.

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