Why is there no production of cheap electricity, but it is produced at three times more expensive price, asks opposition leader


Last year, for the fifth year in a row, the state transferred more than two hundred million euros to AD ESM for current operations, and now it is doubtful why there is no production of cheap electricity in the thermal power plants Oslomej and Bitola, but it is produced in TPP Negotino using fuel oil whose price is at least three times more expensive, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski.

“It is doubtful today why cheap electricity is not produced in Oslomej and Bitola, but it is produced in TPP Negotino using fuel oil, which is at least three times more expensive than what would be produced in Bitola.Why are the blocks in Oslomej and Bitola at 40, 50, 60% of the installed capacity, and in Negotino fuel oil is being consumed at a higher price,” Mickoski said.

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