Stojanoski: PPO should urgently launch an investigation into the surveillance worth EUR 22 million, conditions are being changed in the middle of the procedure


For three days, suspicions have been raised about the rigging of a tender in the amount of 22 million euros for the supervision of the construction of Corridors 8 and 10d, for three days the media has been presenting information, and the PPO is silent, and this is precisely why trust in the judiciary is low, why the same is needed with days to wait when it comes to suspicions of crime in the Government, said MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE Bojan Stojanoski.

“Due to the urgency of the procedure, bearing in mind that the start of work on the highways should begin quickly, we call on the PPO not to wait and immediately open a procedure that will shed light on the case. We expect the PPO to open an investigation and ask the court to temporarily stop the procedure until the process is fully completed,” said Stojanovski.

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