High school graduates demand facilitation of state matriculation exams due to COVID-19 crisis and bomb threats


The Organization for Dialogue and Affirmation of High School Students (ODAS) will send a request to the Parliament and the Government to facilitate the passing of the state matriculation exam for this year’s generation – either to shorten the volume of the material or to reduce the number of internal exams.

The ODAS head Anisija Ugrinovska said that these were the conclusions of the discussion they organized and which will be sent to the competent institutions.

“We request a reduction in the amount of material provided for passing the matriculation exam or a shortening of one internet subject. This is due to the two biggest factors in the last four years – the corona crisis and a year and a half of online teaching and bomb threats. In the meantime, there were other factors, so we high school graduates are the most damaged generation and we have not had a full uninterrupted school year,” Ugrinovska told the media.

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