Government with its main actors Grubi and Kovachevski has not implemented a single project in the Gjorche Petrov Municipality in almost 13 months


The Government led by DUI and SDSM with its main actors Artan Grubi and Dimitar Kovachevski have not implemented a single project in the municipality of Gjorche Petrov for almost 13 months, said Lenche Neloska from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE Gjorche Petrov.

“The renovations of two primary schools are being delayed, the block grants have been reduced as a transfer from the central budget, and last year, for 30 million denars less than the election year 2021, the Government participated in the realization of capital projects. Also, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy rejects projects, that is, it does not issue a permit for the construction of new kindergartens in our municipality, which would further reduce the huge decade-long problem with waiting lists. Does this represent classic revenge for the convincing defeat already in the first election round in 2021,” Neloska added.

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