Kovachevski urges Bulgaria to act according to the rulings of the Human Rights Court


Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski once again called on the Bulgarian authorities to respect the decisions of the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights, which Bulgaria has not implemented to date regarding the respect of Macedonians’ right to association.
“We have always reacted in relation to all citizens who in any other country self-determine as Macedonians. There are Macedonians in almost all countries in the world, just as there are Macedonians in the USA, in Germany, in Switzerland, so there are Macedonians in Bulgaria and Greece, that is, people who define themselves as Macedonians and they have all the rights that everyone has citizens to freely express their desire for self-determination. There are also judgments of the Court of Human Rights that Bulgaria has not implemented until today, and therefore I call once again on the Bulgarian authorities to act in accordance with the decisions of the Court, in accordance with the European legal norms for the protection of minority rights, because it is about a member state of the EU and those citizens who are citizens of Bulgaria and who self-determine as Macedonians are also citizens of the EU at the same time, because let’s not forget that Bulgaria is a member of the EU,” Kovachevski said on Friday.

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