Union of high school students accepts compromise offered by the MES for the first external exam


The General Assembly of the Union of High School Students in an extraordinary session on Monday evening accepted the compromise offered by the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) regarding one of their demands for the state matriculation exam.

At the meeting with Education Minister Jeton Shaqiri yesterday at the Ministry of Education, the representatives of the Union were told that due to the established teaching calendar, the first external exam (Mother Language and Literature) from May 27 to June 3 could not be postponed, but they were offered a compromise – reduced test volume and easier scoring. The union announced that their General Assembly will decide on the offer.

In a letter to the media, the union points out that he successfully reached an agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science on the state matriculation exam and it will be adapted to the state of education and will be facilitated for this generation of matriculation students that were the most affected by the interruptions in teaching.

The Union of High School Students had a total of four demands, three of which were immediately accepted by the Ministry of Education and Science on Monday.


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