Former minister files two complaints on the treatment in prison, the Ombudsman’s office confirms


The petitions are ongoing, in the meantime we have sent a letter to the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination to respect the legal deadline for issuing an opinion following the submitted request and the Commission has already issued its opinion these days, while the procedure regarding the facilities in the prisons is ongoing in the sector of penitentiary institutions managed by the Ombudsman.

Adviser to the Ombudsman, Vaska Bajramovska-Mustafa, said in an interview for RFE/RL that the proxy of the former Minister of Internal Affairs, Gordana Jankuloska, addressed to their office with two complaints about human rights violations in the Idrizovo prison.

“Yes, we have a petition through her attorney. There are two complaints to the Ombudsman institution in the part of the impossibility to use facilities and in the part of the non-action of the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination after their request for discrimination against the petitioner”, said Bajramovska-Mustafa.

According to the opinion of the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination, Jankuloska, like other female prisoners, cannot use the legal facilities that male prisoners have, such as visits outside the institution, rest and employment.

Her husband and lawyer Vlatko Ilievski said in an interview with the Alsat TV show “360 Degrees” that ‘convicted persons are treated as third-class citizens, and that they are seen as next to nothing and no one cares about their legally guaranteed rights’.

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