Corridor 8 and 10D, which are historical, have turned into a historical robbery committed by the Government, says Mickoski


This is not a historical project, this is historical robbery and debt slavery in which the DUI Government, supported by SDSM’s minority partner, is pushing Macedonia, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, asked regarding the contract for the construction of Corridor 8 and 10D.

“In the upcoming period, we will open from this version of the contract that was delivered to us, and other details to the public and we will deal with the prices, but also with those prices that are set as TBD, that is, they are yet to be defined. We have a reasonable doubt that it will at least double the budget presented by Kovachevski to the public. You are yet to hear and wonder about the project that really needs to be built and is part of the Coalition’s program, but not in this way. Not to rob and lie to the people. There will be accountability for this,” Mickoski stressed.


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