Employers violate them, but workers are increasingly informed and demand their rights, say unions


Workers’ rights are violated by employers, but workers are more and more informed about their rights and seek justice through the courts. This is the position of the legal team of the “Glasen Tekstilec” Association, which analyzes the situation with labor rights on the occasion of May 1 – International Workers’ Day. Court proceedings are usually monetary claims for unpaid wages and benefits. Law attorney Donche Stamenkov notes that the public administration is in a more favorable position, because the claims are fully charged through positive judgments of the competent courts.

Kristina Ampeva notes that in the private sector there are positive rulings in favor of workers. He points out that the companies present themselves as closed or insolvent, which means that monetary claims from the workers cannot be collected. She says that it is important to take all the procedures in a timely manner, for which it is necessary that the workers be promptly informed about their legal rights.

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