Comparison – EUR 7 million per kilometer of highway in Serbia, with 3 times more expensive per kilometer in Macedonia


Artan Grubi’s stale comparisons, for the construction of highways, with those in Serbia and Macedonia are in vain. Everyone in Macedonia knows Grubi’s admiration for Aleksandar Vucic and Serbia, but this time, the mathematics surrounding the comparison of the two highways is, to say the least, ridiculous. To begin with, Serbia called a tender for a highway and enabled expropriation, etc. “fast track” for documents, accuses VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Tuesday.
“There was no change in laws, which are contrary to the Constitution, there was no equating the legal with illegal constructions, there was no trampling on one’s own archaeological sites and of course there were no penalties of over 100 million euros! There was a known route, with a known project, without trampling the laws of urbanism and construction! Furthermore, for 7 million euros per kilometer of highway, Serbia received: Highway 112 km, 30 meters wide, with 139 buildings on it, 84 bridges, 26 overpasses, 3 underpasses, 10 intersections, known as loops, three resorts and parking lots. But also regulation of the Morava River and its tributaries, as well as the construction of telecommunications along the highway itself, unlike the highway in Macedonia, which costs an incredible 20 euros per kilometer, and about which nothing is known,” the largest opposition party points out.

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