Kovatchev says he’s extremely surprised for not being allowed to enter Macedonia


The Macedonian border police did not allow entry into the country of the Bulgarian MEP from the ranks of GERB Andrey Kovatchev, as well as Milen Vrabevski and three other Bulgarian nationals.
They wanted to participate in the celebration of St. George’s Day in Novo Selo, Strumica.
“Unfortunately, they did not allow us to go to the traditional celebration of St. George’s Day in Strumica’s Novo Selo. For over 10 years I have visited the military memorial graveyards in Novo Selo on St. George’s Day, to honor those who died for the fatherland. To my great surprise, this time I was not allowed to enter. I was given a piece of paper notifying me that I’m not allowed to cross the border. I’m very confused by this. Only a few days ago I met with the Foreign Minister. I support them in opening the EU accession talks”, Kovatchev said.

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