Detektor poll: Citizens are against the French proposal and the negotiating framework with the EU


The majority of citizens or 55.7 percent is against the negotiating framework that the Government agreed with the European Union and believe that this puts the country in a subordinate position, according to the results of the public opinion survey conducted by the Institute for Political Research Skopje for the needs of Detektor.

According to the survey, only 28.1 percent of respondents support the negotiation framework, while Macedonians and Albanians have completely different views.
While 70 percent of Macedonians are against the negotiation framework, even 75 percent of Albanians support it. Only 13.2 percent of Macedonians are for the negotiation framework, while only 11.5 percent of ethnic Albanians are against it. The fewest citizens against the negotiation framework are in the Polog region, and the most in the Vardar region without Skopje and in the Southeast, the survey results show.
The survey of the Institute for Political Research Skopje was conducted by telephone in the period from May 2 to May 6, 2023 on a representative sample of 1112 respondents.

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