Local elections in Albania – Macedonians in Pustec to elect a mayor from two options


In the municipality of Pustec, Mala Prespa, Albania inhabited 100% by Macedonians, as well as in the other 60 municipalities in Albania, today the citizens are electing a new local government. There are two candidates in the race for the post of mayor in Pustec, while for the 15 seats in the municipal council there are 97 candidates, all Macedonians, proposed by several political parties.

The incumbent mayor, Pali Andon Kolefski, is seeking the trust for the first person of the municipality for the second time, who won 1,505 votes or 66.84 percent of the total number of voters in the local elections held in June 2019. He is a candidate of the ruling Socialist Party, and based on the inter-party agreement with the only Macedonian party, the Macedonian Alliance for European Integration, MAEI, he is considered a joint candidate.

His opponent is Pandi Jani from the Freedom Party of former Albanian President Ilir Meta, who leads the opposition electoral coalition “Together We Win”.



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