Macedonian movement MDS: The Bulgarian charlatans who walk like sheriffs through Mala Prespa should be banned from entering Albania!


There is no Bulgarian minority living in the Republic of Albania, the opening of a Bulgarian club in Pustec is a provocation and humiliation, as well as an attempt to assimilate the Macedonians living in Albania, the Macedonian Movement for Self-Determination (MDS) from Albania reacted on Wednesday.

“The attempt to open a Bulgarian club in the village of Pustec, Mala Prespa is nothing but a provocation and disparagement of the Macedonians by Bulgaria and the Bulgarian agencies, hidden under the veil of the so-called “Macedonia Foundation” led by Viktor Stojanov.

The state, the Republic of Albania, must stand up for the protection and defense of its population, and these charlatans who are walking like sheriffs through Mala Prespa should be banned from entering the country,” said MDS.

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