Misajlovski: The future government led by VMRO-DPMNE will bring a future for everyone


It is very important for VMRO-DPMNE to continue with our activities, which we call “This is Macedonia”, to share our thoughts on all topics that are currently current, but also to criticize that the central government does absolutely nothing in any populated place, says the vice-president of VMRO-DPMNE Vlado Misajlovski from Chucher Sandevo in the “This is Macedonia for all” field activities.

Misajlovski pointed out that in Chucher Sandevo SDS and DUI control both local and central government, but they have not done anything for the residents.

“They have all the power here, both local and central government, and we can see that not a single stone has been moved, nor do they plan to do anything for this municipality, but we can see a bunch of harmful contracts and a bunch of lies and non-transparent processes,” Misajlovski said.

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