Bojcheva-Terzijan: The growth of green finance – supporting the energy transition of the economy


The director of the Department for Monetary Policy, Research and Statistics at NBRM, Sultanija Bojcheva-Terzijan, took part in the business forum “Economic Perspectives for Predictable Development” organized by the “Marili” agency. The topics of the business forum were related to sustainable economy, especially energy challenges as new opportunities in the economy, as well as policies and models for sustainable development of agriculture and food industry.

In her presentation under the title “What awaits the Macedonian economy in the next period?”, Bojcheva-Terzijan highlighted the impact of the energy crisis on the country’s external position, as well as on inflation. According to her, taking into account the expectations for the reduction of the world prices of energy and food, a more significant reduction of the trade deficit and price pressures is possible.

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