One in three Macedonians is against the EU membership, the support among ethnic Albanians is 93 percent


Euroscepticism is growing in N. Macedonia, even though more than half of the citizens still support membership in the European Union. The last survey of public opinion carried out by the Institute for Political Research Skopje for Detector, 55.8% of citizens would vote positively if a referendum on N. Macedonia’s entry into the European Union were held tomorrow, while a quarter of those polled or 24.8% would be against.
Euroscepticism is built by Macedonians, considering that 93.5% of ethnic Albanians would vote for Macedonia’s entry into the European Union, and only 4.6% against. Among the Macedonians, 43.5% of those surveyed are in favor of Macedonia’s entry into the European Union, and even 31.5% of those surveyed are against it.
Historically, this is the lowest support for EU membership ever measured. The analysis of the last 3 polls that Detector has conducted in the last 4 years shows that from 2019 to today, support has dropped significantly. If in 2019 67.4% of those surveyed supported membership in the European Union, in 2020 the number fell to 65.5%, and today it is at the lowest level of 55.8%.

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