Kaevski: Let Mickoski decide whether he will support Macedonia’s future in the EU or follow Gruevski’s path


After 17 years of waiting, our country has started negotiations for membership in the EU, it is carrying out a successful screening process that will soon finish. We have a historic chance to realize another strategic goal: full membership in the EU. All 120 MPs and political parties, including VMRO-DPMNE, have a responsibility to the citizens and the future of the country, SDSM spokesperson Darko Kaevski said at a press conference on Friday.
“The choice is integration in the EU or isolation. The citizens saw what isolation looks like from 2006 to 2016, a trapped state without a perspective, a regime, a backward country that is not progressing. Hristijan Mickoski is facing a decision: will he support Macedonia’s future in the EU or will he follow the path of his predecessor Nikola Gruevski,” Kaevski said.

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