How safe is the food we eat – citizens complain of poisons in products and expiration date


Of the total submitted petitions this year that refer to food safety, 17 are related to good hygiene practice, and 15 are for changes in the organoleptic properties of products. A total of 14 are with allegations of doubt about the safety of the products, 13 are for the presence of contaminants (poisons) in the food, while 12 are for expired use-by dates, the director of the Food and Veterinary Agency (AFV), Nikolche Babovski, told MIA.
“Since the beginning of the year, 218 petitions have been received, but the ones in the field of health care and animal welfare lead the way, and so far there are 112. In terms of figures, they are followed by those that refer to the safety of food of non-animal origin. Their number so far is 90. Only 13 complaints refer to the safety of food of animal origin,” Babovski stressed.

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