Mexhiti claims there was no politics involved in the dismissal of Dr. Jovev


We have one timing in all clinics and we send inspections. From the State Sanitary Inspectorate, I ordered, and there is an inspection at the Cardiac Surgery Clinic, and we saw from the report that there were major abuses, and that’s why I acted like that. They decided there was abuse and that’s why I did it. I will not allow there to be directors who have not submitted any report for 5 to 10 years and have not done anything. We do not work by heart, we had knowledge and we had complaints from a certain clinic about mobbing and other abuses. And in the coming months, we will send inspections to all clinics and health facilities, said the Minister of Health FatmirMexhiti in an interview with TV 24 about the dismissal of Prof. Dr. SashkoJovev from the position of Director of State Cardiac Surgery.

He added that he does not go into the expertise of Professor Jovev because at the Clinic everyone knows “how much indispensable they are”.

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