Mickoski tells DW: SDSM is missing a historic opportunity to protect the Macedonian identity and unblock EU integrations


SDSM is completely aware of what I offered at the leadership meeting, however, the persistent manipulation done by presenting incorrect information and imputing in practice reflect the genuine situation in the party and means lack of will to make a real step toward a solution which would mean preservation of the identity and a real and fast integration of the country. It became clear after the meeting that there is no agreement, and we are still waiting on SDSM to decide which of the two proposals I offered they are willing to accept. Kovachevski was adamant even during the meeting that there is no agreement, which I confirmed in my statement to the media. My goal was to deblock the processes and give them a different perspective, to create a solution that won’t harm the citizens and the future of Macedonia. I regret that SDSM is missing a huge and historic opportunity, said VMRO-DPMNE leader HristijanMickoski in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

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