World Bank: Macedonia is a country with huge inflation and too little economic growth!


According to the latest report from the World Bank (WB), with the rate of inflation that Macedonia has, the country is at the top of the countries in the region, and at the same time it is among the last according to projections for economic growth!

If one analyzes the data from the World Bank report, after the economic and energy crisis occurred, Macedonia has been at the top of the inflation rate almost all the time. Statistics measured that there was a decrease in May, but it is still in double digits – at the level of 11.3 percent, which means that it is the highest in relation to the countries of the region that have published the data so far.

Of particular concern is the reduced projection for global economic growth. The World Bank has already come out with projections reduced compared to the previous quarter, in which it is stated that the economic growth in the world will slow down and at the end of the year an increase of only 2.1 percent will be delivered, which represents a decrease of one percent in just three months. .


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