Auditors discover inconsistencies in the census activities, equipment contracts made without a public procurement procedure


The State Audit Office performed a compliance audit on the topic “Census of the population, households and apartments in North Macedonia, 2021”.

Inconsistencies were found with the procurement of goods and services for the needs of the census: – the software application for self-enumeration was procured without compensation, without specifying whether it was a donation or sponsorship, – in public procurement procedures, the declarations of non-existence of a conflict of interests are signed only by members of the public procurement commissions who participated in the procedure, – annexes to the contract for the procurement of information equipment – laptops were concluded, without conducting an appropriate procedure for public procurement, – a procedure for the procurement of services for a media campaign was carried out by negotiation without publication of an advertisement, without prior provision of a positive opinion by of the Public Procurement Bureau, – funds for protection against COVID-19 were procured without conducting a public procurement procedure, etc.

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