AD ESM submitted an offer to the tender of the universal supplier EVN Home for a purchase and sale price of electricity of 53 euros per megawatt hour to cover 100 percent of the total planned quantities, with which the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) has all the necessary data for during the next week to make the decision on the price of electricity that consumers will pay on the regulated market in the next six months, starting from July 1.
The price submitted to the tender is 5.35 percent lower than the 56 euros per megawatt hour that ESM has been selling to EVN Home for the past six months. It mostly depends on what the citizens’ bills will be in the next six months.
However, other input parameters are also included in the total price, such as the price of the Transmission System Operator MEPSO, the price of the Electricity Market Operator MEMO and the price of the Distribution System Operator Elektrodistribucija, as well as the VAT, which from July 1 will again amount to 18 percent, instead of the previous 10 percent.