Mickoski sends message from Brussels: No deal under Bulgarian dictate


Our message is clear, VMRO-DPMNE will accept no deal under Bulgarian dictate. That is the basic and essential message we conveyed here in Brussels and will continue to convey, and which is based on our facts and arguments, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said during his visit to Brussels on Tuesday.
“The main goal here in Brussels of the delegation that I lead to VMRO-DPMNE is to present its positions, arguments and views related to the problem created by the DUI government supported by SDSM. What is most surprising, and what I heard here in Brussels from the interlocutors, is that our members of the Macedonian government who, when they come to Brussels, we think are working for the state, and they, in addition to enjoying the comfort of their positions, the only job and their goal is to snoop on the opposition here in Brussels and demand from the people of Brussels that they put pressure on VMRO-DPMNE to accept an agreement which it neither negotiated nor participated in, and warned that it has no intention of accepting. Let me say this once again, the first message is that there is no deal under Bulgarian dictate and the second message is that elections should be held soon so that we can have a legitimate government that will be the leader of a reform process,” Mickoski added.

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