Pejovska-Dojchinovska: SCPC submitted an initiative to PPO for criminal prosecution of Merko, but it is nowhere to be found


All institutions should have been vigilant for a long time, at least for Merko, Sofka Pejovska-Dojchinovska from the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) told TV 24 Analysis, and pointed out that they as a body launch initiatives for criminal prosecutions and such an initiative for the Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko was launched until the Prosecutor’s Office, but she is nowhere to be found – When it mentioned six cases, the PPO did not mention that initiative.
Regarding the Judicial Council, the SCPC member says that they just want to shift their responsibility from there because everything was sent to them on time.
“I don’t know how to comment on the reaction of the Judicial Council on the Merko case, whether it is shifting responsibility, that they are not the ones to blame, why we didn’t ask them after we submitted a complaint if they did their job. The petition was filed exactly on time. At a press conference for Merko, which was thematic, we presented the letter, certified by the Judicial Council’s signature as having been received,” said Pejovska-Dojchinovska.

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