The fight against corruption and organized crime will be VMRO-DPMNE’s key principle, says Hristovski


The chair of the VMRO-DPMNE city committee Bojan Hristovski in an interview with Radio Leader spoke about several current political topics, emphasizing the need for elections and a change of government. He pointed out that at the leaders’ meeting VMRO-DPMNE offered two solutions, but the government did not provide answers to them. Now VMRO-DPMNE’s only demand of is snap elections.

“VMRO-DPMNE as a strong opposition with a rating almost twice as high as SDSM demands snap elections and we will fight to get them. SDSM should be aware that the more time goes by, the more their rating declines, while VMRO-DPMN’s rating grows. I think that it would suit them better if there were snap elections,” Bojan Hristovski said.


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