The nationality column in the statement is not legal, what is happening at the moment is a retrograde process, says Deskoska


The former Minister of Justice and Professor of Constitutional Law and Political System Renata Deskoska says that the decision of the Constitutional Court to review the new Guidelines for Registry Books, which includes a column on nationality, and which was signed by the new Minister of Justice, Krenar Lloga, is good news and she expects it to be overturned.

“Ethnicity belongs to the group of “sensitive” data subject to special protection according to the rules for the protection of personal data. Other such data are data on religious affiliation, political affiliation, state of health, sexual orientation, etc. Our country is a signatory to the Convention for the Protection of Persons with regard to the Automatic Processing of Personal Data, and the Protocol for its Amendment, which further strengthens the protection of this sensitive data, was ratified in the Parliament in June 2021 and is mandatory for us,” Deskoska said in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

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