Anti-Corruption Commission to examine how permits for hydropower plant were issued to Drin Ahmeti


The State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption will examine whether there is a conflict of interest in the actions of the institutions in the case of issuing a permit for the construction of a hydropower plant to Drin Ahmeti, the grandson of Ali Ahmeti, the head of the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) Biljana Ivanovska said on Monday.

In an interview with Sitel TV, the SCPC head was asked about current cases related to the family of the DUI leader, i.e. Ali Ahmeti,s grandsons and son, and specifically the opposition's demands to check the property status of his grandson Drin Ahmeti, who acquired 39% of the shares of Soravia business center, Ivanovska said that he is not an official and they do not have the authority to examine his property status.

“We do not have the authority to investigate Drin Ahmeti;s property status because he is not a public official. However, we can act from the aspect of how the institutions acted – when did they give him the work permits? So, from that aspect – yes, the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption can act,” Ivanovska said.

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