The news about the semi-secret procedure to unfreeze the mines in Strumica was censored, Kovachevski’s government turned into a censor to cover up crime and corruption, says VMRO-DPMNE


The Government led by DUI and SDS does not choose means to hide the scandals and affairs that are connected to it. They do this through pressure, threats, and even suppression of topics and deletion of news. As a matter of fact, the public witnessed yesterday when a news about the concession for the controversial mine was removed from the online edition of the media. The likelihood that this was done under pressure from the DUI and SDS authorities is overwhelming. They have an interest in such news and information being hidden from the public, because it shows all their non-transparency and corruption. The media reported that the government “semi-secretly” allowed the merger of concessions for the mine in Ilovica near Strumica, which gave an opportunity to activate the mine project against which there were large protests, and even the SDS itself campaigned for its non-opening, informed opposition VMRO-DPMNE on Friday.

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