Former Centar mayor Todorovikj remains under house arrest, Criminal Council imposes two more measures


The businessman and former mayor of the municipality of Centar, Vladimir Todorovikj, remains under house arrest for the “Phoenix” case, i.e. the “Skopje 2014” project. The Criminal Council rejected the appeals of the Prosecutor’s Office for the determination of effective detention, as well as of the lawyers, for the lifting of precautionary measures. The judges imposed two additional measures. The same applies to the other suspect, who was placed under house arrest along with Todorovikj.

“It was decided after the appeals, the decisions of the judge of the previous procedure were confirmed and the proposal for the defendants V.T. and T.D was accepted. In addition to the measure of house arrest, additional measures have been determined – ban on communication and 24-hour supervision of house arrest,” the Criminal Court pointed out.

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