Bank guarantee to be activated – after 16 years of waiting for it to be built, Mexhiti terminated the contract for the Shtip hospital


The contract for the construction of the hospital in Shtip has been unilaterally terminated, reveals the Macedonian Minister of Health, Fatmir Mexhiti, in an interview with Makfax. He points out that he will also activate the bank guarantee because the hospital has been under construction for 16 years, it was supposed to be ready in 2018, and it was not completed even in 2023.

“Not unilaterally, because we had the right, the hospital in Shtip was supposed to be built in 2018, but it was not built. Well, it took until 2023, until now, June that passed, the hospital was supposed to be put into use, it was not given and I acted, I terminated the contract with all the rights we have and here I will also activate the bank guarantee, so, I am very serious in my actions, both me and the team,” said Mexhiti.


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