Claims from the arbitration proceedings that conducted against Macedonia weigh EUR 1.5 billion


In the arbitration proceedings that are currently being conducted against Macedonia in the international institutions, there are claims from the state of a total of 1.36 billion euros, where we are talking only about the principal, without default interest, which as a rule is the subject of disputes before arbitration courts and with which this amount rises to over 1.5 billion euros. This was announced today by the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Fatmir Bytyqi, pointing out that the Government is doing everything to protect the interest of the country.
This list includes the disputes of Kuniko Resources from the Netherlands for Feni Industries, two proceedings from the Indian Binani in connection with the Zletovo mine, of Hellenic Petroleum for Okta, the proceedings of Blazho Tasev against the state for the Sasa mine, then to several Ukrainian investors in connection with the Kazandol mine, as well as to the Turkish Gama Guc for Te-To as well as the dispute of the Italian company Inso Systems in connection with the construction of the Clinical Center in within the Mother Teresa complex in Skopje.

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