JPS strike postponed due to the low turnout


Due to the low turnout from the employees of the Public Transport Company “Skopje” (JSP), the announced strike of the trade union “Spice” lasted only two hours on Tuesday. This morning at 4:30 a.m. in front of the headquarters of the public company in Autokomanda, there were only thirty protesting employees, and during that time their colleagues with the buses started running according to the morning schedule. Those who were at the protest decided to withdraw and continue to work in the interest of the citizens, and they said that they will continue to demand their demands as of September.

The reasons for the strike are the unmet demands and the ignorant attitude towards the demands contained in the Collective Agreement. They demand the harmonization of the minimum wage with the Collective Agreement, i.e. an increase of MKD 2,170. Some of the employees said that they will also strike for violation of employment rights and safety and health at work.

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