Supreme Court: The state must pay Verushevski MKD 5,000 for each of the 344 days spent in detention in 2015


The state must pay Zoran Verushevski five thousand Macedonian denars for each of the 344 days spent in detention in 2015 for the “Coup” case, after the Supreme Court partially approved his request for a revision of the compensation for non-material damage for the unjustified deprivation of liberty and the damaged reputation and honor.

“The defendant, the Republic of North Macedonia, on behalf of the plaintiff Zoran Verushevski, is obliged to pay monetary compensation in the amount of 1,720. 000 Macedonian denars, with legal penal interest in the amount of the reference rate of the NB of RNM increased by eight percentage points, counted from the day of the verdict – 26.05.2021, until the final payment, within 15 days after the receiving of the verdict,” reads the Supreme Court’s decision announced on July 3, 2023.

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