Osmani: The Negotiating Framework will not change and more ministers from the EU will come to convince VMRO-DPMNE


The European Union came to Skopje today, because apparently going to Brussels was not enough to tell the opposition that we could not get a better agreement, said the Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, pointing out that the Negotiating Framework was voted by all 27 member states of the European Union and that no one can change it.
In last night’s interview with TV 24, after the visit of the three foreign ministers Schallenberg, Lipavsky, Wlachovský, Osmani, without revealing details, announced that ministers from France, Germany and Poland will also visit next week.
“Today, the European Union came to Skopje, because apparently going to Brussels was not enough to tell the opposition that we could not get a better deal, secondly, no one will ever be able to change one comma of the Negotiating Framework. It will never be possible to change the Negotiating Framework, because it was voted by 27 members, in order to change it everyone should say yes, Bulgaria should also agree to it,” said Osmani.

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