Strumica crime inspector hit a Bulgarian Honda Civic with a police vehicle, injured people reported


Daniel Projkovski, the son of the former head of the Strumica Police Department Tancho Projkovski, who is considered a controversial person in Strumica, once again grossly broke the law in a way that, like in a thriller movie, he mistakenly drove an official police vehicle into the opposite traffic lane in order to cut through and to stop a vehicle from the opposite side, anonymous sources informed Netpress.
However, as the source said, general crime inspector Daniel Projkovski made a fatal mistake and blocked a car in which a family with children from Bulgaria was travelling. Projkovski caused a serious traffic accident with physical injuries and huge material damage. He completely destroyed the official police Skoda Octavia.
The accident was confirmed in the bulletin of the Ministry of Interior, however, the MoI reports reads that the participants in the accident suffered minor injuries and that an investigation has been launched into the case.

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