PPO files charges against 15 individuals and three legal entities for criminal association, tax fraud, money laundering and other criminal offenses


The Department for Suppression of Organized and Serious Crime with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Organized Crime and Corruption filed criminal charges on Wednesday against 15 persons and three legal persons, namely against 11 natural persons for committing crimes of criminal association, of which against 9 for criminal tax fraud crime, while one person, apart from these two crimes, along with four other individuals and three legal entities, are suspected of money laundering and other criminal proceeds under Article 273 of the Criminal Code.

“This criminal group, through 4 legal entities from Skopje, from 2020 to 2021, by concluding agreements for tax guarantors, unfoundedly, to the detriment of budget funds, deducted a tax of 51,626,637 Macedonian denars (or 837,458 euros), whereby part of the illegally acquired money through several transactions was used to buy real estate worth about 150,000 euros in the name of one of the applicants, the son of the third applicant, and part was released into legal financial flows through several cash payments and transactions based on alleged loans,” said the PPO.

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