Macedonian students win two bronze medals at the European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics


Macedonian schoolgirls won two bronze medals at the European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI 2023), which is held between July 15 and July 21 in Lund, Sweden.

The bronze medals were won by Sofia Velkovska from Skopje and JovanaTrifunoska from Tetovo, and the other two members of the Macedonian team achieved a solid result: Sara Stefanovska from KrivaPalanka and AtinaRuvinova from Ohrid.

The team is led by Dr. Mile Jovanov and Dr. Emil Stankov from the Faculty of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering (FINKI). The students were selected through a year-round cycle of competitions, which is regularly organized by the Association of Informatics of Macedonia (ZIM), and this year was held for the 34th time.


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