Kasami says he’s ready to cooperate with the DUI faction, for Ademi only Ali Ahmeti is a factor


The leader of the Besa Movement, Bilal Kasami, expects Izet Mexhiti, who left the ruling DUI, to form the new political movement with which Besa is ready to cooperate, and believes that a change should finally be made in the Albanian political scene.

“… The time has come for the Albanians to have a rotation in the government and finally for the Albanians to make a change and be represented with dignity in the state institutions. What was done to the Macedonians in 2016, I think the time has come for it to happen to the Albanians as well,” said Bilal Kasami.

Discussing the unification of the Albanian opposition, the vice-president of DUI, Arbr Ademi, told TV21 that there were other political actors in Macedonia, but the only factor was Ali Ahmeti.

“When it comes to the existing opposition parties, Besa and Alternativa, I would say that there are many political actors on the political scene, but Ali Ahmeti is one and only factor. These are the processes that DUI went through. We are talking about not such a short period, but a period of 22 years,” pointed out Arbr Ademi.

Izet Mexhiti announced that he will start a new party on August 13. Other members of the so-called fiery group, such as Musaa Xhaferi, Blerim Bexheti and Nevzat Beita, who decided to remain in DUI, will not participate in this entity, with the aim that there is still room for internal party debate about their grievances.



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