SDS/DUI government is a nursery for crime, OLAF registers 18 cases of misuse of EU funds in Macedonia, half of all in the region, says opposition


The SDS and DUI government is a nursery for crime. The European Anti-Fraud Office – OLAF is investigating 18 cases of fraud and misuse of EU money in Macedonia, which is one half of all fraud in the countries of the Western Balkans., said the opposition VMRO-DPMNE on Thursday.

The number of cases was also confirmed by the EU ambassador in the country.

„Instead of citizens and companies, European funds apparently ended up in someone’s pockets, this could not have happened without the authorities’ knowledge. It is not possible for there to be 18 cases of misuse of European money, and no one from the government knows about it,” said VMRO-DPMNE.



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