PPO should launch an investigation, Grubi got the Audi A6 eight days after the company that owns it bought hotel in Popova Shapka for pennies, demands VMRO-DPMNE


The Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) should launch an investigation, Artan Grubi got the Audi A6 eight days after the company that owns it bought hotel in Popova Shapka for pennies. Grubi’s excuses that the Audi was given to him as a favor are ridiculous. There is no one who believes that someone would buy a vehicle for 80,000 euros and give it to him to use just because he is a friend, said VMRO-DPMNE on Friday.

“The suspicion is obvious since the company that owns the Audi A6 bought a hotel of 30 rooms in the ski resort of Popova Shapka for a mere €55,000. The construction company that sold the hotel won a highway construction tender worth millions of euros.”, VMRO-DPMNE added.

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