There’s a well-founded suspicion that Grubi got the Audi because he influenced the purchase and sale of a Popova Shapka hotel, says opposition


The Audi that burned down in Artan Grubi’s yard opened suspicions of serious crime, abuse of office and influence peddling. In fact, one criminal act brought another to light. But the Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) is silent as if it has given omerta, no matter how paradoxical it sounds, VMRO-DPMNE points out in a press release on Saturday.
The Audi that was set on fire was owned by a company of a close friend of Artan Grubi. This company buys a hotel on Popova Shapka from a construction company for a paltry sum of 55,000 euros, which in the meantime receives a million-dollar tender from the government in which Artan Grubi is the deputy prime minister. As a reward, Artan Grubi gets the right to use the Audi for 8 days after the company that gives it to him buys Shapka’s hotel at a bargain price,” reads the party’s press release.
VMRO-DPMNE asked: “And isn’t there anything suspicious about this to the PPO?!”

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