Diabetes medication was illegally sold in pharmacies in the country


The drug Ozempik for the treatment of diabetes was also sold in pharmacies in the country as counterfeit, the health authorities warn. The Macedonian Agency for Medicines and Medical Equipment – MALMED announces that it received a complaint that a counterfeit of this medicine was found that was sold in pharmacies, although it is not allowed to be sold in every pharmacy, but only in hospitals or other health institutions. According to the information, this drug was sold without a prescription, without the recommendation of a specialist doctor and for the treatment of other diseases, such as obesity, and not for its main purpose – diabetes, reports Alsat.mk.

“The abuse of this drug is very current and it is a consequence of the recommendations on social networks and the influence of famous people (influencers) who impose it on citizens. This phenomenon is more prevalent, especially among the young population. The use of the slimming drug is outside the approved area of ​​indication and represents a health risk,” said MALMED.


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