Stoilkovski: Should Bujar Osmani write down where Ahmeti’s Soravia and Grubi’s luxurious Audi are in the European framework?


I invite Bujar Osmani to take a chalk today and write down answers on the blackboard: – In which EU cluster are the government’s negotiations with Slupchane for electricity payment? In which EU cluster is police assistance needed for EVN teams to read an electricity meter?  In which cluster for the EU is Drin Ahmeti’s entrepreneurial spirit without a penny to get half of Soravia?

In which EU cluster is the election of Abazi in the Prosecutor’s Office, his wife in AEK, while Ali sits at his head? In which EU cluster are the criminal charges for Ramiz Merko, his high school principal in Struga, and the doctor who left the woman without organs?

Bujar Osmani, take a piece of chalk and write in big letters: THERE WILL BE NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS UNDER BULGARIAN DICTATE, said the spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE Naum Stoilkovski in a press briefing on Sunday.



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