VMRO-DPMNE: The DUI-SDS-led Government only knows how to steal from the people, a fever transmitted by ticks is spreading, the authorities are resting, human life is not worth it for them!


Seven years of the Government led by DUI and SDS and zero concern for the citizens. The health authorities possibly turn on the alarm only if there is a deceased person, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Wednesday.

“Shameful! A person died from Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever and the usual reaction from the authorities, everything is under control. An employee of the Infectious Disease Clinic became infected. And everything is under control again. Or 40 people are under health surveillance that had contact with the infected person. And so it goes on and on. Nothing stops, nothing is controlled. Every day we witness only lies!” reads the opposition party’s press release.

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