Police prevent transport of drugs worth EUR 200,000


In a joint action, the Macedonian and Greek police prevented the international transport of narcotics at the southern border with a total value of 200,000 euros, the Ministry of Interior informed on Friday.
“On August 10, 2023 at 11.30 p.m., police officers with the border police from the South Regional Center, near the place called Vrshnik Bara, right next to the border line with the Republic of Greece, noticed two people who threw out two bags over the wire fence on Greek territory, and then they themselves crossed the border line,” said the Ministry of Interior.
Due to the suspicion that marijuana was being transported in the bags, the South Regional Center in coordination with the Department of Criminal Police – Sector for Illicit Trafficking in Narcotics, Firearms and Dangerous Substances, informed the Drug Service based in Kilkis and the Greek Border Police and as a result of the joint and coordinated activities of the police officers from the two countries in a short time found the two bags containing about 40 kilograms of marijuana, and a little later V.H. (36) and E.J. (52), the two nationals of the Republic of Albania. The Greek police arrested the two persons for further proceedings and appropriate charges will be filed against them.

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